Building the Inbox Report

Though building this report is very similar to how others are built, the Inbox Report has a few extra options to take advantage of, which are outlined below.

Visibility - This allows you to build the report around either Private and/or Direct messages, or Public mentions and/or comments (as opposed to the default, which includes both types of inbound messaging).


Include/Exclude Tags - Using these fields, you can build the report around messages that have specific tags, or build it to exclude messages with specific tags if you require. For example, you may want to run this report around all messages that have been tagged with “complaint” or ignoring all messages tagged with “spam” to avoid skewing the metrics. Leaving both boxes blank will result in a report that pulls in all messages within the set time period.


Include/Exclude Network Import Delay - With some social networks, there is a small delay in the messages being sent to Orlo. This option allows you to exclude the messages that have been delayed so the average response time does not take them into account when calculating user response times.