Custom Widget Builder

If you can't find the right widget for the job in the Widget Library, don't worry! You can create your own custom widget with Insights and here's how...

Click Insights in the top navigation bar, then select Reports Home

From here, you can either create a new report or edit one that you've made earlier (custom widgets can only be added to custom reports)

If you're creating a new report, select the Make Your Own option when on the screen below:

If you're updating an existing report, click More then Edit in the top-right corner. Once on the report edit view, click + Custom Widget at the top:

The first thing you'll need to do when building your own widget is to decide how you want the data to be visualised by selecting from the available chart types top-left:

Once you've chosen this, you can pick what to report on. There are three data points to report on:

  • Results - The amount of Inbox messages/Listening stream results 
  • Response Time - Time taken to respond/action an Inbox message
  • Sentiment - The sentiment of the messages/results

Depending on your reporting selection, you can click on the pencil icon to change how the data is aggregated (how it's measured). Here are the options:

  • Count - The total amount of messages/results being reported on, only available when reporting on Results
  • Sum - The sum total of the data being reported on, only available for Response Time and Sentiment
  • Average (AVG) - The average of the data being reported on, only available for Response Time and Sentiment
  • Minimum (MIN) - The smallest/lowest number recorded in the data being reported on, only available for Response Time and Sentiment
  • Maximum (MAX) - The largest/highest number recorded in the data being reported on, only available for Response Time and Sentiment

Once you've selected what to report on, and how you'd like it measured, you can click Update at the bottom to see a preview of what your widget will look like. If you're happy with the result, at the top you can set a name and provide a description for the widget, then click Save to add it to your report.

Additionally, you can also choose to break down the data being displayed by another metric available. Depending on your previous selections, the data can be broken down in several different ways. Remember, you can always click Update to see what the current configuration will result in.

Lastly, you can also filter the data that the widget will report on. To do this, click on the Filter tab in the top left corner of the widget builder window. From here, you can apply multiple filters to change what the widget reports on (these filters are taken from the list available when filtering an Insights report).