Disapproved Post Tags

When rejecting a piece of content that has been sent for approval, you can tag that disapproval in order to track how many times the content has been rejected and for what reason. Here's how to set up and use Disapproval Post Tags

To create your Disapproved Post Tags, open the Settings page and under the Company Settings area click Publish Settings. Scroll down until you see the Disapproved Post Tags section and begin to add your tags:

You can also delete your tags here by clicking on the X next to the tag below the new tag entry box:

When you disapprove a post from either the Approve Posts section or the Outbox, along with the option to leave the author a note as to why you are disapproving it, you can now add one or more of the tags created in the steps above:

You can also run a report on the posts you have rejected, accessed under the Analytics menu on the top navigation bar:

Within this report, you can see an overview of the tags that have been used, the total amount of posts that have been disapproved and the breakdown per network and account: