Facebook Listening

Orlo supports the listening of public Facebook pages, to monitor for any posts that mention the key terms you have set up in your streams Query Builder, as well as any comments on posts from monitored pages that also match your Query Builder criteria.

To get started, you'll first need to create your listening group, a custom group of public Facebook pages that you want to monitor for keywords and mentions. Facebook doesn't let us listen across their entire network, so you have to specify which pages you want to track (up to 500!).

Click Insights along the top, then select My Streams. From here, you should see the option to change to Facebook Listening just above the area where your existing streams are displayed.

When you first land here, you'll be asked to create your group of Pages to listen to. Click on the plus icon

On the next window, you'll be asked to give your group a name and add the first page. The name will be used later when adding your listening group as a source for a stream. Search for the first Facebook Page you would like to listen to and then click Save group:

Once the first page is added, you can click the + New Facebook page button in the top-right corner of the Facebook Listening page and continue to add Facebook pages.

Once you've created your group and added your pages, you'll now need to add the group as a source to your listening streams. On the final step of either creating or editing a stream, you're asked to specify which sources you'd like the stream to listen to. You should now see an additional dropdown where you can tick your Facebook Page listening group:

As an example, this is what a result in Insights looks like when it's a post from a Facebook page:

and this is what a comment looks like. You'll notice we don't show the author, that is due to Facebooks privacy policies:

Posts and comments can be viewed natively via the 3-dot icon. Due to the above privacy restrictions, comments do not get a direct link, so we can only send you to the Facebook post that the comment was made on when you click View Natively.