Bulk uploading your content is a nice way to schedule lots of posts in one go, saving you from having to individually compose and schedule each message one at a time. This can be really handy for planning content ahead of schedule or preparing your social accounts for any particular events happening (Campaigns/Holidays). You can find the Bulk Upload option on the Marketing page, under the Marketing Kit option:
After clicking on this you can upload a CSV file or XLS import. You will need to select a time/date format, which depends on how you fill out the spreadsheet you are going to upload. As long as the format in the Date column on the sheet matches the format you have chosen from the drop-down, you should not have any issues.

We have an example file to show you where pictures, text and dates go. We recommend downloading the example excel sheet and editing it for your purposes. NOTE - The entire first row needs to be left as it is, as Orlo will not be able to pull your information from the sheet if anything is changed.
Text - This column should contain exactly what you want the post to say.
Image URL - If your post is to include an image, the link to the image should be placed here.
Date - This column should contain the time/date at which you would like the post to be published. It must be in the same format as you chose on the Bulk Upload screen.
Optional Account ID's - This column can be used to specify which social media account is used to publish the contents of the Text column. If left blank, you will be asked which account to use after uploading.
When you've uploaded your file you can select which social accounts the posts go out to and if they need to be assigned to a campaign. This method will bulk upload the contents of the sheet to one or more accounts. If you prefer to be more specific on what gets posted to each account, you can use the ID column.
After selecting the accounts you will then have the chance to check the posts before uploading them.
Once you've checked over your posts, clicking Bulk Upload will push the posts to your Content Calendar, ready to be published when their defined time/date is reached.