Chatbot Topic Report Glossary

  • Start/End Date: Set the date range of the report.
  • Feedback: Choose which feedback to show (Positive/Negative/None).
  • Handover: Choose to show either chats that were or were not handed over to an agent (or both).
  • Confidence: How confident Orlo was that the response given was the correct based on the visitors query (on a scale of 0.00 to 1).
  • Search by Query Text: Keyword search the queries received by the visitor.
  • Topics: Filter the report to specific Topics the chatbot used to respond to a query.
  • URLs: Filter the report to specific URLs that the visitor was on when they began the chat.
  • Widgets: Filter the report to one or more widgets that may be running chatbots.


  • Query Text: The text entered by the visitor that the chatbot responded to.
  • Matched Intent: The topic the chatbot responded with.
  • Confidence: How confident Orlo was that the response given was the correct based on the visitors query (on a scale of 0.00 to 1).
  • Feedback: What (if any) feedback was given by the visitor in response to the chatbots topic reply (Positive/Negative/None).
  • Handover: Whether or not the chatbot handed the chat over to an agent (Yes/No).
  • Count: The amount of times the chatbot has used a topic, resulting in the same feedback and handover status