Dashboard Templates

Dashboard templates allow admins to share dashboard views with all Orlo users. This will allow you to provide a consistent view to your colleagues, as well as making it easier for new users to hit the ground running

When you're either creating a new dashboard from scratch, or customising an existing one you've already set up, you'll have the option to save the dashboard as a template in the top-right corner:


Once saved, you'll see the newly created template in the dropdown list on the left-hand side. Don't worry if you can't see this dropdown straight away, it probably just means there aren't any dashboards set up yet - it should appear once you make your first one:


If you've loaded a dashboard template in your view and you've made some changes to it, when you go to save you'll be prompted with the below - this lets you make custom tweaks to the dashboard for your own purposes, or update the template with the changes you've made:


When creating a new dashboard, or when a user logs into Orlo and doesn't have a dashboard set up, they'll see the below screen. This is where your users can pick from an existing template to get started quickly: