Content Calendar

This view displays the date in columns at the top, showing your scheduled posts below in chronological order. You can see the body of the post, any images attached to it as well as the account that it is scheduled to go out on.


Above the scheduled layout, you will also see different coloured bars that correspond with any social media campaigns that you currently have running. These bars will run the width of the campaigns set running period, so you can see which days fall under which campaigns.


Top-right you will see 5 buttons:



Clicking the "Toggle Campaigns" button will hide the coloured bars described above.


Clicking the "Manage Custom Events" button will show a screen where you can create campaign events, setting up a start and finish date.


Once added, this will appear on the calendar view as a new coloured bar, with a star icon.



The "Month" button will switch the view to one similar to the previous layout, keeping the drop-down functionality to see each post scheduled for that day, with the added icons of coloured dots to show which campaigns are running on that day.


The "Day" button will switch the view to a single day, broken down into rows of 15-minute intervals