Out of Hours Response Time Calculation

Office hours can be set to make sure Orlo isn't including non-working hours in the response time calculations. If someone responds to a message during the same Out of Hours period it was received in, then the full time is used. 

For example, our office hours are 8am - 6pm. If we receive a message at 7pm and respond to it at 9am the next morning, then the response time will be 1 hour.

However, if we were to respond to that message at 7am the next morning instead, the response time would be 12 hours as the message was actioned in the same OoH period that it came in.

Within the Office Hours settings page, you can adjust how the above scenario is handled. The default is to use the full response time as described in the example.

Alternatively, you can have Orlo calculate response times for messages received and actioned in the same OoH period as 0 seconds. This means that if team members log into Orlo and begin working through the Inbox before the Office Hours start, they won't be penalised with a inaccurately long response time!