Reply Approvals

Reply approvals allow users to have their replies validated by admins in Orlo in the same way posts are approved. In order to approve replies, users will need to have the Validate permissions enabled, either at the company or social account level depending on what is required.


Below are the two permissions related to controlling someones replying ability:

As per the description, Reply allows a user to send replies to inbox messages, but all of their replies will go for approval before being published.

Reply Un-Validated allows a user to send replies to inbox messages without the need for approval.



Anytime there are replies that need approving (and you have the permissions enabled to allow you to validate) you will see a number next to Manage along the top of Orlo. This blue number is a combination of posts and replies that need to be approved. Clicking Manage will show the menu with the post/reply split numbers and the option to click through to the dedicated approval page.



When viewing the list of replies that require approval, you will be able to either approve or disapprove them. Approving will send the reply and disapproving will delete it instead.

You can also select multiple replies and approve / disapprove in bulk if necessary by clicking on the social profile pictures on the posts to select one or more.

Clicking View in Inbox will take you to the Inbox thread to see the comment in context of the conversation and also allow you to approve/disapprove from there too