Office Hours

Office hours can be set across your organisation or individual social accounts to help make sure your response time analytics are accurate. Heres how to set them up...

Head over to the Settings page and under the Company Settings header, click on the Office Hours option:

At the top of this page, you can set your general office hours which will apply to all of your social accounts as their default hours with the option to set a default timezone:

Below the Company Office Hours, you can set individual hours for your social accounts if they are managed at different times or are in different global timezones:

Inbox messages that are received outside of your set office hours will not begin counting towards your response times until your working day begins. For example, based on the above office hours a message received at 06:00 and responded to at 09:05 will have a response time of 5 minutes, rather than 3 Hours and 5 Minutes.

Please note; If a message is received outside of office hours and responded to in the same out of hours period, then the full response time will be used. For example, based on the above office hours a message received at 06:00 and responded to at 08:45 will have a response time of 2 Hours and 45 Minutes.