Widget Library
The Widget Library contains a list of widgets created by Orlo for you to use in your Insights reports. This article covers the widgets currently available and will be updated regularly when we add more.

Bar Chart
- Results by Channel: Total results by channel (social network for Inbox messages, or source type for Listening results)

- Results by Channel/Time: Total results by channel, over time (in days)

- Sentiment Breakdown/Time: Sentiment of all results, over time (in days)

- Emotion Breakdown: Total results broken down by Emotion

- Emotion Breakdown/Time: Total results broken down by Emotion, over time (in days)

- Results by Location: Total results broken down by the detected location (with Sentiment)

- Top 10 Locations: The top 10 most common locations, detected across all results (with Sentiment)

- Results by Gender: Total results broken down by Male, Female or Organisation (for results authored by a brand/organisation/business, with Sentiment)

- Results by Gender/Time: Total results broken down by Gender, over time (in days)

- Results by Age: Total results broken down by age (in brackets: >=18 | 19-29 | 30-39 | 40+)

- Results by Age/Time: Total results broken down by age, over time (in days)

Donut Chart
- Results by Language: Total results, broken down by detected language

Line Chart
- Results/Time: Total results, over time (in days)

- Sentiment/Time: Average sentiment, over time (in days)

Pie Chart
- Sentiment Breakdown: Total results, broken down by Sentiment

- Total Results: Number of results in the current view

- Tag Table: Inbox results, categorised by tags and visibility (public/private), including minimum and maximum response times

Sentiment Gauge
- Overall Sentiment: Overall sentiment for all results

- SWOT: Strengths (positive results), Weaknesses (negative results), Opportunities (results with suggestions) and Threats (results with legal or commercial impact)

Theme Map
- Theme Map: A table of results that are thematically similar, able to be broken down by;
- Created date
- Visibility
- Tags
- Sentiment
- Language
- Channel
- Author Verification
- Age
- Gender
- Location
- Emotion
- Classification