In keeping with a coordinated effort by all major social media networks to reduce spam, counter the spread of “fake news” and reduce the opportunity for divisive viewpoints to be artificially amplified, Twitter prohibits any attempt to post identical content to multiple accounts simultaneously.
Twitter goes on to say that one of the most common violations it suffers is through the Twitter developer platform, where some third-party applications have been used to automate the dissemination of spam. Any such behaviour will now result in enforcement action, which could include the suspension of accounts.
The changes that Twitter has made is another step towards ensuring that online conversations remain meaningful. You can find full information on Twitter’s own blog, here.
In compliance with these regulations from Twitter, Orlo will automatically split a post when selecting multiple Twitter accounts whilst creating or scheduling a post, and will not allow you to schedule an identical post less than 7 days apart.
While we understand that this may initially have an impact on organisations who centrally-manage accounts for a number of different departments or brands, it is also an opportunity to embed some of the best practices and new ways of working that social media makes possible.
Decentralise social media management
Use this change to assess how you manage social media accounts. By decentralising social media and allowing diverse brands and departments to manage their own accounts, you have the opportunity to deliver more relevant and timely content - while using platforms likes Orlo to still maintain central visibility and provide feedback on content, but without the extra demand of posting it yourselves.
Bring Customer Services on-board
Social media must be the only channel where customer service enquiries are often dealt with by Comms or Marketing teams. This new change presents a chance to devolve social customer service to the people who are best placed to answer them - the Customer Services department.
Make social media truly strategic
A single Social Media Manager no longer needs to be the bottleneck for creating a consistent flow of high-quality content. By understanding the core business objectives and moving away from measuring purely vanity metrics, the Social Media Manager can work with each department to align their tactics with real business goals. This will elevate the status of social media within the business and make it truly strategic.
Quote Retweets
Quote tweets can be an effective way to personalise and amplify a single centrally-created message, adding further relevance for a given audience. Using this method, efficiencies are still maintained, but with a localised approach that social platforms like Twitter support.
How to start;
Create some internal workshops to communicate the necessary changes to senior leadership, disparate departments and diverse brands.
Identify core objectives for each department and articulate how specific tactics and relevant KPI’s can help to achieve these.
Show examples of what “good” looks like on social media using examples from other leading brands.
Provide training and documentation on tone of voice and the strategic outline.
“Buddy up” those less confident on social media with those that are.
Use secret shopping to assess how your new strategy is performing.
Schedule ongoing review and feedback sessions.
Create a culture of support, trust and creativity.
While we understand that this change may result in short-term disruption for some brands, if you can embed some of the opportunities set out above, the end result will be a larger and more engaged audience.