Orlo Analytics Refresh Guide

This table summarises the analytical data that Orlo retrieves from the different social networks we integrate with. Here you can see what data we pull in, how far back we can pull data from and how often that data is refreshed.

Network Data Backfill Refresh
Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter Post Insights Last 10 days, for the last 150 posts Hourly (Every two hours for Twitter)
Twitter Profile Metrics Previous 24 hours Daily
Twitter Post Insights Last 250 posts Daily
Twitter Native Import Last 50 post Hourly
Facebook Profile Metrics Last 90 days Daily
Facebook Post Insights Last 1000 posts Every 24 hours
Facebook Post Insights Last 100 posts Every 24 hours
Facebook Boosting Ad Insights Last 100 days Hourly for live, boosted posts
Facebook Native Import Last 50 post Hourly
Instagram Profile Metrics Last 28 days Daily
Instagram Post Insights Last 1000 posts Every 24 hours
Instagram Post Insights Last 100 posts Every 24 hours
Instagram Native Import Last 10 post Hourly
LinkedIn Profile Metrics Last 90 days Daily
LinkedIn Post Insights Last 1000 posts Daily
LinkedIn Boosting Ad Insights Last 100 days Hourly for live, boosted posts
LinkedIn Native Import Last 50 post Hourly
YouTube Post Insights Last 50 posts Daily
YouTube Native Import Last 40 post Daily
TikTok Post Insights Last 100 posts Daily
TikTok Native Import Last 15 post Hourly

Please note: The data for the Advertising Report is pulled live every time the report is ran and is not stored by Orlo.