Unable to see Inbox Messages

There are a few situations where you might not be seeing the inbound messages that you were expecting to see - the ones below are the easiest to sort out, so please have a look through this list and try the solutions.

If you're still not able to see inbound messages after checking the following things, please contact Support on the Live Chat within Orlo to get a speedy resolution. Alternatively, you can contact support@orlo.tech.

Do you have the correct user permissions to view that social account's incoming messages?

If your Administrator has changed your user permissions, either by hiding the social account completely or disabling your 'View Inbox' permission, you will no longer be able to see these messages. 

If you don't have permissions to view or use certain parts of the system, the buttons to access those areas will disappear. Ask your administrator if you are supposed to be able to see the Inbox. If you are, your administrator can change your Permissions to enable you to do this.

Are you on the right Workflow?

If you have set up workflows, you will only see the incoming messages from the social accounts that are synced to the particular workflow that you have selected.

The workflow that you're on will be displayed along the top of Orlo, If you're on a workflow, you will see two crossed arrows next to the name of the workflow - otherwise, it will have the same and will say just "Workflows" (If you see Workflows, this means you are not currently in one). Click this button to switch to a different workflow, or select Manage Workflows in that menu to set up new workflows or edit the ones you currently have.

Choosing "All Accounts" in the Workflow drop-down menu will load all social media accounts that you have access to, meaning that you will see all incoming messages to all those accounts.

Have you added Inbox filters?

On the filters bar in the Inbox, you can hide visibility of a specific social account's incoming messages. So if you're looking for a message from Twitter, but you've filtered your Inbox so that it's only showing Facebook messages, you'll need to remove the filter before you can see your Twitter messages again.