Uploading Subtitles for Videos

Adding subtitles to your video helps everyone enjoy your content, whether they are hard of hearing or choose to have the sound off while scrolling on their phone.

You can use Orlo to add subtitles to your videos - simply upload the file containing the video subtitles in the Compose Tab when adding your video to your post, we’ll do the rest! Due to API limitations, subtitles are not supported for LinkedIn and Instagram posts.

Screenshot (270)

File types by social networks

If you’re adding subtitles to videos for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram, you need to upload an SRT file. 

If you’re adding subtitles to videos for YouTube, you need to upload an XML file.

Example XML file


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


  <text start="0.01" dur="1.814">(blah blah)</text>

  <text start="2.0" dur="4.0">Hey everybody, I am a dog. </text>


Download an example here: youtube-subtitles-example.xml

Example of SRT file


00:00:00,498 --> 00:00:02,827

- Here's what I love most

about food and diet.


00:00:02,827 --> 00:00:06,383

We all eat several times a day,

and we're totally in charge


00:00:06,383 --> 00:00:09,427

of what goes on our plate

and what stays off.

Download an example here:  example.en-GB.srt

How to create SRT and XML files

There are softwares that can produce subtitles from your video itself, which is often quick and straightforward. Otherwise, if you have the subtitles already written down, you can use WordPad to code the files yourself, using the examples above.