Instagram Troubleshooting Guide

Struggling to add your Instagram account to Orlo? Or Instagram not behaving the way you were expecting? Never fear, our troubleshooting guide is here to help you get going again!

Instagram business accounts

Orlo can only support Instagram business accounts, so if you’re trying to connect a personal account, this is where you’re going wrong! You can switch your personal account over to a business account from within the Instagram app itself. Head to Account Settings and select ‘Switch to professional account’. You can choose from a creator or business account - please select a business account.

Adding your Instagram to your Facebook business page

To use your Instagram business account in Orlo, you will need to link this to a Facebook business page. You can do this via the Edit Profile section from within Instagram, or if you head to your Facebook business page Settings.

You have to be an admin of the Facebook business page in order to do this. If you’re not sure who the page admin is, head to Settings where you will see the page roles clearly listed. Contact this person for help.

If the Facebook business page was set up via Facebook Business Manager, you will need an admin status here as well.

Re-authenticating your Instagram account
From time to time, you may be required to re-authenticate your account when prompted to by Orlo. To find out how to re-authenticate your account, here’s an article with everything you need to know.

We're aware of an issue with re-authentication steps failing to re-authenticate the account. If you’re struggling, please:

  • Check that you are a page or group admin but also have permissions to manage the page or group.
  • Ask a page or group admin to remove you and add you back in again.
  • Ask someone else to use their login to try and re-authenticate the account. 
  • Get in touch with your Facebook account manager and let them know the issue you’re experiencing.

Review account connection

If your Instagram isn’t connecting with your Facebook business page, you can check the status of the connection and get advice from Facebook. Head to your Facebook business page, go to Settings, then Instagram and if there is a connection issue, a review account connection warning will appear, along with next steps on how to solve the issue.

Your dedicated support team

Still stuck? Orlo’s dedicated support team can help. Drop them an email at or hit the Live Chat button within Orlo.